Thursday, February 02, 2006


Okay, it takes some longer than others to figure things out and obviously I fall under the "some" category. I have been getting reports that you can't leave comments on this blog. Well I am proud to say, I actually figured it out all by myself, and now you can leave comments. So please feel free to leave a comment so I will know if any one is actually looking at this blog. (feeling sorry for myself). Also, more family photos coming soon.


Anonymous said...

'also know someone is looking at the blog' - I feel your pain, man. hehehe. I at least get spam in mine. :)

Kendra called me the other day and played some of her finger excersises. After arguing with me for calling her lessons a 'class' I decided that she's well on her way to becoming a lawyer. She's not there yet though. (it wasn't a strong argument). ^-^

We've started moving some of our things slowly: we have all month to do that. The new currently reminds me of "joe's apartment". I thought about buying a chameleon to let him roam around the house and munch away all the critters but some of them are Texas-sized. I have a feeling I'll come home one day to find my chameleon's head on a stick with with flag perched next to him saying "just bring it! - the roach king"

Okok, back to work I go.

Anonymous said...

Hey Buck, just wanted to say good job on this! Love to all of you from Uncle George and Aunt DJ.

Anonymous said...

Man o' Man - Bout time you figured it out! Can't wait to C the Fam Pics. Peace Out! Scott

Anonymous said...

wat up jess have not heard from u in a long time.R U still kickin??

Anonymous said...

Ok Already - it's been a month...get wit it...make another post!