Thursday, October 22, 2009

Family Fun Night

The kids and I went to South Side to carve a family pumpkin this evening. They enjoyed talking to their friends about their costumes and eating a snack & drink. In the meantime I spent about 25 minutes cleaning and carving our family pumpkin. It was fine with me, especially since I noticed that many parents were doing the same thing. The girls had fun so that's the only thing that matters.

2009 School Pictures

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Visit from Fire Department

Mia wasn't certain about exploring the fire truck, until she heard the other kids on the opposite side giggling. It was a good learning experience for the kids. They really payed close attention even though 4 year olds have a little trouble listening at times.
Here is Mia practicing "STOP, DROP AND ROLL" one of the drills the firefighters taught Mia's class. Firefighters talked to kids about not being affraid if a firefighter approaches or calls out their name in attempt to help them if there's ever a fire at their home.